<aside> 💡 To use this board, select the ‘Duplicate’ icon at the top right of this page.

Follow the steps below to use the content calendar template.

  1. Fill out your Niche audience - who are you creating content for and why?

  2. Fill out Content Pillars for your niche. These will be topics that are essential to your audience. Think of these pillars as topics you can rotate between for content ideas.

  3. Start writing down ideas for content in the Content Ideas section.

    Note which Content Pillar it belongs to, what value it adds (relatable, inspirational, educational, entertaining), what call to action you want people to take from it, a target publish date, and a status.

  4. Use the Status Board to move your content ideas from idea to ready to publish statuses.

  5. Use the Content Calendar to see all your planned content for the month.

If you find this calendar template helpful, join my free community for creators for more resources like this:



Katrina Rodriguez Muvdi

Co-Founder, Cosmos https://golivecosmos.com/


Niche: [X for Y, e.g. resources for becoming a software engineer]
